(Uus lehekülg: ' Olen saanud filoloogiaalase ettevalmistuse Tartu Ülikoolis eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteadust õppides. Soovides omandada ka praktilisi oskusi, jätkasin õpinguid magistrantuuris n…')
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Rida 1: Rida 1:
< [[Õpetajate tutvustus]]
== ANNI TAMMEMÄGI, teacher of Estonian on the basis of English ==
I received my BA in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics from the University of Tartu. In hopes of gaining practical knowledge I continued my studies on MA level and graduated as a Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature. I have worked with different age groups and on all educational levels.
After graduating from the university I wanted to travel the world so I left Estonia and for the last three years I lived in Czech Republic and worked at the Masaryk University as a teacher of Estonian language. Living abroad showed me how important it is to be able to speak the local language and how many doors it can open. Therefore I encourage everyone to learn Estonian.
I believe that the effectiveness of language learning depends a lot on the environment, therefore I always try to create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom. I also find it important to add information about Estonian culture into my lessons. Last but not least, I concentrate on grammar because unfortunately it´s not possible to master Estonian without learning any grammar.
In language learning as well as in life in general one principle applies – every beginning is difficult but a good beginning is half the battle. Therefore I wish to all of those interested in Estonian good luck and may it be an interesting journey!
Olen saanud filoloogiaalase ettevalmistuse Tartu Ülikoolis eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteadust õppides. Soovides omandada ka praktilisi oskusi, jätkasin õpinguid magistrantuuris ning lõpetasin ülikooli eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja erialal. Olen töötanud erinevas vanuses õpilastega ning kõigis haridusastmetes.
Olen saanud filoloogiaalase ettevalmistuse Tartu Ülikoolis eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteadust õppides. Soovides omandada ka praktilisi oskusi, jätkasin õpinguid magistrantuuris ning lõpetasin ülikooli eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja erialal. Olen töötanud erinevas vanuses õpilastega ning kõigis haridusastmetes.
Rida 6: Rida 17:
I received my BA in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics from the University of Tartu. In hopes of gaining practical knowledge I continued my studies on MA level and graduated as a Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature. I have worked with different age groups and on all educational levels.
After graduating from the university I wanted to travel the world so I left Estonia and for the last three years I lived in Czech Republic and worked at the Masaryk University as a teacher of Estonian language. Living abroad showed me how important it is to be able to speak the local language and how many doors it can open. Therefore I encourage everyone to learn Estonian.
I believe that the effectiveness of language learning depends a lot on the environment, therefore I always try to create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom. I also find it important to add information about Estonian culture into my lessons. Last but not least, I concentrate on grammar because unfortunately it´s not possible to master Estonian without learning any grammar.
In language learning as well as in life in general one principle applies – every beginning is difficult but a good beginning is half the battle. Therefore I wish to all of those interested in Estonian good luck and may it be an interesting journey!

Viimane redaktsioon (12. september 2016, kell 11:16)


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Endla 4 Tallinn

< Õpetajate tutvustus

ANNI TAMMEMÄGI, teacher of Estonian on the basis of English

I received my BA in Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics from the University of Tartu. In hopes of gaining practical knowledge I continued my studies on MA level and graduated as a Teacher of Estonian Language and Literature. I have worked with different age groups and on all educational levels. After graduating from the university I wanted to travel the world so I left Estonia and for the last three years I lived in Czech Republic and worked at the Masaryk University as a teacher of Estonian language. Living abroad showed me how important it is to be able to speak the local language and how many doors it can open. Therefore I encourage everyone to learn Estonian. I believe that the effectiveness of language learning depends a lot on the environment, therefore I always try to create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom. I also find it important to add information about Estonian culture into my lessons. Last but not least, I concentrate on grammar because unfortunately it´s not possible to master Estonian without learning any grammar. In language learning as well as in life in general one principle applies – every beginning is difficult but a good beginning is half the battle. Therefore I wish to all of those interested in Estonian good luck and may it be an interesting journey!

Olen saanud filoloogiaalase ettevalmistuse Tartu Ülikoolis eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteadust õppides. Soovides omandada ka praktilisi oskusi, jätkasin õpinguid magistrantuuris ning lõpetasin ülikooli eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja erialal. Olen töötanud erinevas vanuses õpilastega ning kõigis haridusastmetes. Pärast ülikooli lõpetamist oli mul suur soov maailma avastada ja nii lahkusin mõneks ajaks Eestist. Viimased kolm aastat elasin Tšehhis, kus õpetasin Masaryki Ülikoolis eesti keelt. Võõrsil elanuna tean, kui tähtis on osata kohalikku keelt ja kui palju uksi see avada võib. Sellepärast julgustan kõiki eesti keelt õppima. Usun, et keeleõppe efektiivsust mõjutab suurel määral keskkond. Sellepärast püüan alati klassiruumis luua meeldiva õhkkonna, kus õpilased tunnevad end hästi. Lisaks pean oluliseks eesti kultuuriga seotud teemade põimimist õpetatava materjaliga. Mööda ei saa minna ka grammatikast, sest päris ilma selleta ei ole kahjuks võimalik eesti keelt selgeks saada. Nagu elus, kehtib ka keeleõppes põhimõte: iga algus on raske, aga julge pealehakkamine on pool võitu. Sellepärast soovin kõigile eesti keele huvilistele head pealehakkamist!


Välja otsitud andmebaasist "http://tallinnakeeltekool.ee/w/index.php/Anni_Tammem%C3%A4gi"